Monday, June 28, 2010

Veritas Church

Our church has been named! Veritas Church. I love it. The more I hear it the more I love it! Here's a little description of why Veritas---(I'm stealing this from Mark's blog-anyone who reads his blog too, I'll tell him next time I see him I promise. :) )

"Veritas" is the Latin word for "truth." In John 18:37, Jesus said to Pilate, "for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth." Our church exists for the same reason. We use the Latin word as a reminder that we join history in the pursuit of truth, which is often elusive and polarizing. Truth transcends cultures, nations, and history itself. There's at least one thing we share in common with the Ancients, namely, this quest for truth.

There it is! We're all going to get Veritas tattoos written in some Old English font now. Just kidding.

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